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About me

Hi, I’m Dr. Shanice Jones Cameron. I founded Her Guided Evolution® to help millennial moms manage their time and prioritize self-care.

In 2016, I went back to graduate school as a new mom to a 3-month old daughter. By 2022, I had 3 children ages 6 and under, and I completed my PhD in Communication. This journey hasn’t been easy, but I learned a lot along the way. Now, I’m sharing the tools and strategies I learned and created.

Behind the Brand

Helping women prioritize self-care and joy.

I created Her Guided Evolution® after struggling with self-care for years and failing miserably at making time for my dreams outside of family and school. I thought about starting a personal development platform for the longest time, but a combination of fear, doubt, and life responsibilities always seemed to get in the way.

I finally launched the first iteration of Her Guided Evolution® in 2019, and I’ve been on a mission to share the time management strategies I’ve learned that help me prioritize my self-care and aspirations ever since.

My love for self-care stems from my life experiences and academic research on Black women’s health and well-being digital networks. After learning how women, specifically Black women, are often used for our labor and devalued, I wanted to use this platform to discourage women from internalizing these harmful ideas about ourselves. You deserve more out of life than working and taking care of others!

My Journey

I spent years learning and developing the time management strategies I teach in my signature program, Beyond Productivity™. Here's an overview of the journey that led me down this path.


I started my master’s degree and became a first time mom.

During this time in my life, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out my new roles as a mom and graduate student. I remember I spent a lot of time multi-tasking because I had to keep up with breastfeeding and figuring out how to manage my time as a graduate student. I also struggled with my self-care.

The picture on the left is of me holding my oldest daughter while reading for class. I continued planning the personal development space that would become Her Guided Evolution®, but I procrastinated on those plans.


I had twins, earned my master’s degree, started my PhD program, and launched my first podcast.

I became pregnant with twins the summer 2017, right before the last year of my master’s program. I had our boy-girl twins in January 2018, and I started my PhD program in August. I was inconsistent with self-care during this time, and I would often miss sleep and sacrifice rest to meet the demands of my life. I struggled, but I also started to develop my time management strategies and was able to launch the first iteration of Her Guided Evolution® in summer 2019.


I rebranded my podcast to Her Guided Evolution® and became a PhD Candidate.

I spent most of 2020-2021 preparing for my comprehensive exams. My self-care and mental health took a hit with the compounding stress of the pandemic and being home all day trying to manage school, my  assistantship, and my family life. Since I had launched the first iteration of Her Guided Evolution® in 2019 under another name, I rebranded my self-development and self-care podcast to Her Guided Evolution® in 2020. I passed my comprehensive exams, became a PhD candidate, and started my first year of full-time teaching at a university while working on my dissertation. I also created my time management program and worked with my first client in 2021.


I received a significant health diagnosis, earned my PhD, and started as an assistant professor.

2022 was…a year. I was diagnosed with a significant illness in early 2022. This was during my first year of teaching full-time at a university, and I was in the early stages of writing my dissertation. I had two surgeries in 2022, and I am now in a much better place with my physical and mental health.

I successfully defended my dissertation in August 2022, and I started as an assistant professor at UNC Charlotte three days later! I continued to work with coaching clients and fine-tuning my time management program in 2022. 2022 taught me not to spend all my time working and chasing productivity. Life is too short. As much as possible, I want to focus my time, my mind, and my energy on self-care and finding joy–not productivity. I am carrying this energy into 2024 and using the perspective to help my clients.

the tea

Facts About Me

I married my husband Chris in 2012. We met while I was in undergrad, and he was in graduate school. We got married shortly after I finished my bachelor’s degrees. He’s also a professor. We have three children (ages 7 and under), and we also share a 13 year old dog (Yorkie mix), Berkeley.

My family and I have been eating a vegan diet since July 4, 2018. Since going vegan, I developed a love for vegan pizza, non-dairy Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, falafel, and grain bowls.

I tried and failed to go vegan multiple times (I also made a podcast episode about my two year vegan anniversary. You can listen to it here.). I originally went vegan in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, but I also adhere to a vegan diet for environmental, ethical, and political reasons.

I’m 5’8, so I rarely try to add extra height. I also prefer the comfort of flats.

I grew up in New Bern, NC with both my parents and two older sisters. I lived in the same house from birth to 18 when I left for college.

I started designing websites and blogging when I was 14 after I  saw my big sister coding a layout she created in Adobe Photoshop. I asked her to show me how to get started, and she told me what software and programs to use and explained the basics of HTML. This started my journey as a self taught web designer. I taught myself HTML, CSS, and a working knowledge of PHP.

I also learned graphic design fundamentals, WordPress, and Adobe Creative Suite. I fell in love with web design, so I kept up with it over the years. I even did a short stint as a freelance web designer and theme shop owner. Years later, I designed this website and all the branding for Her Guided Evolution®. I’m grateful that I learned the skills to carry out my vision!

I love listening to podcasts, and I wrote my master’s thesis on The Read, which is one of my favorites. I love listening to podcasts about personal development, pop culture, and philosophy (because I’m a nerd). If I’m not listening to a podcast, I’m probably listening to Beyonce.


Founded by Dr. Shanice Jones Cameron, Her Guided Evolution® is a digital platform dedicated to helping women (specifically moms) make more time for themselves. Instead of chasing productivity, the Her Guided Evolution® philosophy is aimed at helping women create more time for self-care, improving their mental health, and finding joy.

© 2024 Her Guided Evolution Photography by HJP Site Design + Branding by SJC (me!)